We are the Leader of North American market in
Senior Home Downsizing and Home safety.

We provide all educational materials for the business owners and start-ups!

Company overview:
Kept in View (KIV) app offers “self home downsizing” services, and access to smart Decluttering, realtors, storage, moving, home safety, and Space planning. (Including a wide variety of checklists of the most trusted organizations in the home safety industry. In addition, it provides the customized platform to handle the decluttering project, room by room and item by item as for Donation, Relocation, Gift, Sale, Keep, Sentimental).
The great part of the KIV app is the ability to manage a project together from all over the world.
The “project cost calculator”, “online yard sales” and “digital downgrading” are some of the key features.
The KIV will concentrate on seniors and their families. The demographics of these clients are +55 at retirement age (42% plan to downsize).
Downsizing or major relocation can be devastating. There is a lot to think about, of course: cleaning, sorting, packing, and maybe most importantly, managing your stress and mental well-being during all this. Reducing staff or taking important steps can be overwhelming. Seniors do not like the agencies to go through their stuff and decide for them what to keep or what to give. Their kids get busy with their lives.
Also, seniors move to smaller homes or stay at home. it is important to prevent injuries, and reduce the risk of falling and ensure independence. The families and seniors need to take care of security at home, but that is the main challenge. There is no source in the market to guide them through the projects and provide them with complete access to the products or services needed for each area.
Aside from the “KIV APP” on kiv.tech, you have access to over 1000 community support systems for seniors all over the world. Also you can locate your province or state and view a list of services. “KIV SHOP” has a great selection of products that will help you modify your home or make your daily life easier. We also offer the SILC program (Senior Independent Living Consultant) in “KIV PRO” to train businesses in the field of home downsizing and aging-in-place.
KIV is an Independence-Support technology application for people that enables to implement their personalized project for downsizing and decluttering. That enables them to set up the inventory piece by piece, to take pictures of the objects, categorize the items, and share the items with their friends, families and neighbours for sale, donation or gift.
Our mission
Kept in View (KIV) is uniquely qualified to succeed for the following reasons:
- There is currently no home safety app devoted to seniors, their kids, and their specific interests and needs. In addition, we have surveyed businesses in safety and senior care and received extremely positive feedback saying that they explicitly want to sell their work through our business when launched.
- The management team has a track record of success in the healthcare business and direct care of seniors
- The mobile applications business is a proven business and has succeeded throughout the world.
- Market trends, such as the growth in smartphone users and mobile app downloads prove very favorable to Kept in View (KIV)