We are the Leader of North American market in
Senior Home Downsizing and Home safety.

“Seniors Independent Living Consultant”
- ILC is a new business opportunity that uses a professional digital platform to manage senior home safety, home decluttering, and downsizing projects.To get an opportunity as “Seniors Independence-Living Consultant”, you need a smartphone, a KIV app account, and a passion to help seniors!
“Seniors Independent Living consultant” is a senior home downsizing, safety, and decluttering project consultation business that helps seniors, live safely and comfortably in their homes. SILC manages all steps by leveraging the first digital platform – kiv.tech app – to help with project management, reduce costs, and involve seniors, their families, and professionals.
Business overview:
KIV PRO is the training branch of Kept In View(KIV) company headquartered Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada, introduces the “Seniors Independent Living Consultant”(SILC)
SILC is a new business opportunity that uses a professional digital platform to manage senior home safety, home decluttering, and downsizing projects.
It is a great chance for individuals who want to start businesses in the rapidly growing non-medical senior care industry.
Products and Services
SILC offers:
A.” Senior home downsizing “ services, with access to smart Decluttering, realtors, storage, moving, Junk management and Space planning.
B.“ Senior home safety” consultation Including a wide variety of check lists of the most trusted organizations in the home safety industry.
C.“ Senior Home decluttering” services, provides the customized platform to handle the decluttering project, room by room and item by item as for: Donation, Relocation, Gift, Sale, Keep, Sentimental.
SILC primarily targets seniors and their families. The demographics of these customers is age +55 people in retirement age (42% planned to downsize).
KIV is an Independence-Support technology application for people that enables to implement their personalized project for downsizing and decluttering. That enables them to set up the inventory piece by piece, to take pictures of the objects, categorize the items, and share the items with their friends, families and neighbors for sale, donation or gift.
Start your own Home Business
To get an opportunity in SILC “Senior’s Independent Living Consultant”, you need a computer, a free account in KIV app and a passion to help seniors.
The Canadian “NON-MEDICAL SENIOR SERVICES” industry is booming!
KIV (Keptinview.com) is a Canadian, ‘first-in’ market opportunity in an industry that is absolutely exploding! With 2.000.000 home downsizing in North America in 2019, there is no better time to get into the Senior Independence-Living business. With access to “KIV APP”’ at, we drive our success through professional, ‘peace of mind senior care’, taking care of the seniors and their family every step of the way.