- May 29, 2021
- Posted by: Keptinview
- Category: Blog

One of the questions we are often asked is, “are you sure seniors are comfortable using an app for downsizing, decluttering, or home safety?” Followed by, “do they know how to use the technology or find services and products online?”
Our answer is a resounding, yes!
Born between 1946 and 1964 (aged 56 to 74 years old), baby boomers take up the majority of the aging population. Despite what you might think, baby boomers and seniors over 74 are quite tech-savvy! Statistics show that 41% of baby boomers and 28% of seniors over 74 partake in e-commerce regularly, with boomers spending an average of 4 hours per week and older seniors spending an average of 2.5 hours per week shopping online. Overall, 14% of boomer purchases online are done over social media, even though seniors as a whole are less influenced by discount offers than other generations (47% to 74%).[1]
In fact, internet use amongst senior Canadians has been increasing steadily in the last few years. The below graph from Statistics Canada shows this trend from 2007 to 2016 for individuals aged 65 and older.
A breakdown beyond what is depicted above also tells us that an increasing number of Canadian boomers use mobile devices to connect to the internet each year: from only 24% in 2015 to 44% in 2017, to 57% in 2019.[2] American statistics also correlate with Canadian data. The World Economic Forum reported in 2017 that the number of smartphone owners had increased to four-in-ten (42%) of adults aged 65 and older, compared to just 18% in 2013.[3]The graph below provides a breakdown of these statistics based on age.
The same study reported the following breakdown for devices used by seniors to make online purchases:
– 78% on Computers
– 46% on Mobile phones
– 25% on Tablets[4]
At Kept In View (KIV), we believe baby boomers, older seniors, and their families are not only capable of starting their own downsizing projects, but that they will benefit from the introduction of the technology we can provide in this process. Given the provided data above, we are strong believers that our app can facilitate a more seamless, streamlined transition for seniors and their support systems during a time that has traditionally been stressful to many. Our app provides the expertise needed for independent – and yet collaborative – home improvement projects without the cost associated with professional downsizing and safety experts.
To ensure users are not alone in their downsizing or house improvement projects, our senior care app provides the following features – apps for elderly care:
1. The app allows the users to share each project with individuals of their choosing to aid them on their journeys. The users have the option to add supporting team members as editors, viewers, or managers of the project.
- If the users need more support or guidance, they have access to the app’s Support Centre to schedule a live meeting with one of our professional team members to discuss their issues and concerns.
3. The app takes individuals through the step-by-step planning needed for each project in the easiest of ways. Our user-friendly setup will turn challenging jobs into fun and collaborative projects for all involved to plan.
Let us not forget that seniors’ family members (typically their children) usually play critical managerial roles in traditional home downsizing projects. They act as the primary contacts between their parents and all the companies and agencies involved in the project, including: “senior move managers,” realtors, movers, storage companies, contractors, and charities.
KIV provides a singularly simple and friendly platform to manage all these communications, contacts, and schedules online. KIV helps the seniors’ family and friends save time and energy while allowing the seniors themselves to continue being involved in the decision-making processes needed for each project.
[1] Tracey Wallace, “Ecommerce Trends: 128 Online Shopping Statistics and Trends,” Sailthru, June 21, 2016, https://www.sailthru.com/marketing-blog/ecommerce-trends-128-stats-revealing-modern-consumers-shop/.
[2] “2019 Canada’s Internet Factbook,” Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA), 2019, https://www.cira.ca/resources/corporate/factbook/canadas-internet-factbook-2019.
[3] Monica Anderson and Andrew Perrin, “Think Older People Are Technophobes? Think Again,” World Economic Forum, May 23, 2017, https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/05/think-older-people-are-technophobes-think-again.